Dab rig
A pipe designed for vaporizing cannabis concentrates, sometimes referred to as an oil rig, vapor rig, or concentrate pipe. Similarly to a bong, a dab rig filters concentrate vapor through water at the base. In addition to the central piece, dab rigs include a glass, quartz, ceramic, or titanium platform (called a nail or banger) to hold the concentrate or “dab”. Consumers also use a long, slender tool to apply a dab to the nail and a butane or propane torch lighter to heat the nail before the dab is applied.
I prefer using a quartz nail with my dab rig.
Dab rigs or oil rigs require flash-heating, so be sure to use a butane torch.
What are dab rigs?
A dab rig is the chamber of a glass pipe, connected to a nail or banger, used for dabbing, in the place of a traditional bowl typically found on a bong. New dabbers may be overwhelmed at the technique, upfront cost, and number of accessories required to use dab rigs and pipes. But they may also appreciate the strong, streamlined effects and heavy terpene flavors that concentrates and dab rigs provide.
Once you get the dabbing process down, using a dab rig can be easy and efficient. The key steps are simple: heating the nail with a torch, placing a dab of concentrate in the nail, and inhaling the resulting vapor.
What Does Stash Jar Mean?
In cannabis culture, a stash jar is any container, vessel, or receptacle designed or reconfigured for the purpose of storing one’s supply of marijuana, cannabis edibles, or other related consumables for recreational or medicinal purposes.
Stash jars are either used to conceal said possession from possible discovery, or just to store it in a manner that will prolong its freshness or usability.
Ideal stash jars are sealed in such a manner to eliminate or reduce the amount of oxygen, heat, light, and moisture that can come in contact with the stored product(s). They may be stored in a cool environment such as a refrigerator, but a freezer is not advised.
cigar, cylindrical roll of tobacco for smoking, consisting of cut tobacco filler in a binder leaf with a wrapper leaf rolled spirally around the bunch. Wrapper leaf, the most expensive leaf used in cigars, must be strong, elastic, silky in texture, and even in colour; it must have a pleasant flavour and good burning properties.