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China PTFE Packing manufacturers

53 مشاهدات
سُئل سبتمبر 20، 2018 في تصنيف ريكي بواسطة jahda4658
Title:White or Black PTFE packing with aramid corners
White or Black PTFE packing with aramid corners
This packing is a multi-yarns packing. The corners of packing are made of aramid fiber yarns impregnated with PTFE, the friction faces are made of PTFE yarns. This structure enhances the lubrication ability of aramid fiber and improves the strength of the white/black PTFE.
White or Black PTFE packing with aramid corners Typical Application
1.This is a universal packing which can be used for pumps in all types of industry.
2.Chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and sugar industries, pulp and paper mills, etc.
3.Power stations
White or Black PTFE packing with aramid corners Prime Features
1.Enhances the lubrication ability of aramid fiber and improves the strength of PTFE
2.The packing will no stain in pulp and paper mill, pharmaceutical, food and sugar industries.
Density  1.5g/cm³
PH   range2~12
Temperature  -150℃~+280℃

Pressure   barRotating  20bar
Reciprocating  150bar
Static  200bar
Shaft   speedm/s15m/s
Materials:PTFE ,oil aramid fiber
Shape:lattice braid
Industry served:chemical&pharmaceutical,pulp&paper,general industry.
Applicationmedia:chemicals,solvents,corrosives,gases,water,steam,ammonia,air,oil,paper stock,liquor.China PTFE Packing manufacturers
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