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Marble Religious Sculpture manufacturers

67 مشاهدات
سُئل سبتمبر 5، 2018 في تصنيف ريكي بواسطة hjt
Marble Virgin Mary Sculpture
ART NoMarble religious sculpture 02
Purest white marble, hand carved virgin Mary sculpture, madonna
MaterialNature marble: white marble  
DimensionHeight: 4  meter / 10   foot
Finish time2015
Virgin Mary Sculpture
Marble Virgin Mary sculpture, hand-carved from a single piece of white marble, a height of 1.8 meters. Made for the French Catholic Church. The main body of the sculpture is the Virgin Mary, the left hand holding the Son of Jesus. White marble symbolizes the holiness of the Virgin, sculpture delicate texture clothes, eyes calm. Very good performance of the state of the Virgin Mary. Currently installed in a church in France. The sculptor, based on the design of the co-operation between the priest and the artist, is carved by our professional sculptor.Marble Religious Sculpture manufacturers
مرحبًا بك إلى أكاديمية ريكي زن للاسئلة والأجوبة، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من معلمي الاكاديمية.