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What Is a Bath Bomb Press Machine & Can It Benefit My Business?

52 مشاهدات
سُئل مارس 8، 2022 في تصنيف ريكي بواسطة permaneg

Heat shrink wrap is a clear protective packaging solution that uses vent holes to allow air to escape the film during shrinking. The small pin-sized vent holes enable smells to escape the packaging. Shrink wrapping offers a protective enclosure while displaying the bath bomb look and smell.

The use of a thin shrink wrap film provides increased protection while still allowing easy opening. Customers can easily open the packaging by hand after purchase. The wholly sealed package also offers extra security from dropped or crushed bath bombs. The full enclosure prevents powders from exploding when dropped or damaged.

The most affordable option for professional bath bomb shrink wrapping is the use of shrink bags, a heat sealer, and a shrink gun. The heat sealer seals the bag closed, and the heat gun shrinks the bag around the bath bomb. The finished look is the same as more expensive options, but more time is required to package each product.

When looking at different machine options, the main difference is the efficiency of the machine. Higher costing shrink machines are much faster and capable of wrapping thousands of products daily. The 1519 is a shrink combo system capable of packing over 3,000 bath bombs daily.

The recommended type of shrink film used for bath bomb packaging is a 45 - 75 gauge polyolefin shrink film. The lower the gauge, the thinner the film. A thinner film will allow for more effortless opening, but not provide as much break protection from dropped or crushed rolls.

Polyolefin shrink film is softer to the touch than PVC shrink film and provides excellent clarity. Polyolefin shrink film is available in shrink bags and centerfold rolls. The bags come with a pre-made vent hole and rolls can be perforated by most machines.


What is a Blister Packing Machine?

Blister packing machines are special machines that are used as unit-dose packaging for tablets, capsules, etc. The device has a component of a bubble pack that may be a cavity or pocket made up of a formable film, usually a thermoformed plastic or cold-formed aluminum film. This usually features a lidding seal of aluminum foil.

In other words, this is an electromechanical machine that has both moving and stationary parts that aid in packaging and sealing products in pre-formed cavities.

The mechanical movements facilitate the formation of sized cavities on packaging material, filling, and sealing with appropriate materials.

Using different packaging materials and principles of forming, Blister Packs could also be divided into three types:aluminum/plastic (thermoforming) bubble pack, aluminum/aluminum (cold forming) bubble pack, and aluminum/plastic/aluminum bubble pack.

Types of Blister Sealing Machine

Based on their operation process, the automatic blister packing machine is divided into three distinct categories.

These are :

Roller type blister packaging machine

Roller plate blister packaging machine

Flat plate blister packaging machine

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