مرحبا بك في أكاديمية ريكي زن للاسئلة والأجوبة .. بإمكانك التسجيل الان ! وطرح اسئلتك مباشرة

Emperor tyrant

175 مشاهدات
سُئل أكتوبر 25، 2022 في تصنيف ريكي بواسطة Ribeiro

"No, you are mistaken." Li Qiye smiled faintly, shook his head gently and said, "It's not me who fought with you, but her." Said, slowly let out, hiding behind him, Fan Bai faced everyone. Li Qiye, who was in front of him, suddenly walked away, which made Fan Bai helpless, especially when he heard that he was going to fight with Zhang Changyu, Fan Bai was suddenly frightened and confused. Me, me, me.. Fan Bai stammered and looked at Li Qiye for help. "Young master," he cried. At this time, Fan Bai was confused, in the face of everyone, she has been timid, and now she has to fight with Zhang Changyu and the three of them, how can she not be scared to tremble. As soon as she heard Li Qiye's words, even Yang Ling was startled. She immediately rejected Li Qiye's practice and said,Iron Nail Making Machine, "No, Fan Bai has only been practicing for a few days. How can she be allowed to fight?"? She's going up to die. As soon as Li Qiye's practice came out, everyone stayed for a while. Everyone did not think that Li Qiye did not play by himself, but let Fan Bai play against Zhang Changyu. Such a practice is really too outrageous. Are you kidding? "A student came to his senses and said loudly," Her weak way can crush her to death with one finger. There is no need for a decisive battle. " At this time, all the students looked at Li Qiye and Fan Bai. Some students said, "Is this boy crazy?"? It is a child's play to let such a new practitioner fight against Zhang Changyu and others. "It was intended that she should die." A student with sinister intentions guessed and said, "Hum, maybe Li knew he was no match,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, so he let the little girl die, just in time to get rid of the so-called disaster star. Wouldn't he kill many birds with one stone and get a good reputation?" "That's too mean. Li wants to borrow Zhang Changyu's hand to get rid of the disaster star and betray the little girl's trust. That's too shameless and shameless." For a while, many students despised Li Qiye and disdained him. Scum- "Many students reviled Li Qiye, saying," a mean person who betrays the people around him. " At this time, I do not know how many students are accusing Li Qiye, disdaining Li Qiye, in their view, Li Qiye let such a little girl to die, it is simply too shameless. Li? Are you kidding me? Zhang Changyu did not expect that Li Qiye would let Fan Bai come on the stage, and they all stayed for a while. How can you kill a chicken with an ox knife? My little girl is enough. One move, one move to kill you. Li Qiye smiled faintly and said. What- "heard Li Qiye such words, Yan Jingxuan and Huang Cavalry thought they had misheard." Are you kidding me? "Yan Jingxuan and Huang Cavalry didn't believe this. They looked at Fan Bai and said," With her, we were killed in one move? We'll kill her in one move. "Ha, nail manufacturing machine ,Nail machine supplier, ha, ha! That's the funniest joke I've ever heard." The Yellow Cavalry could not help laughing. They looked at Li Qiye with a sneer and said, "a little girl who just got started, how could she kill us with one move?"? You haven't woken up yet, have you? A fool's dream. In fact, when all the students present heard Li Qiye's words, they all felt incredible and thought it was a fantasy. Kill all three of them in one move? Have a student to say: "Is this of surname Li mad?"? Daydreaming? Are you kidding me? No one believed in such a thing. Everyone could see that Fan Bai was a person who had just practiced Buddhism. His practice was so shallow that it could be ignored. A student from Yunni College, even the weakest one, could defeat Fan Bai in one move. Now Li Qiye actually said that a move can behead Zhang Changyu and the three of them, this is simply a daydream. Young master- "At this time, Fan Bai was so nervous that she could do nothing. She looked at Li Qiye for help. She almost cried." You can't let her die. Yang Ling could not help crying out. However, Li Qiye stopped Yang Ling and ignored her. Staring at Fan Bai, he said in a deep voice, "If you can't go out today, you will never go out. You will always be a reviled disaster star.". Remember, your life is in your hands! Not by the charity of others, nor by the pity of others! Li Qiye's voice is like the sound of gold and stone, every word is full of rhythm and melody, knocking on Fan Bai again and again, so that Fan Bai's body can not help but be shocked. At this time, Li Qiye's words echoed in her mind, impacting her Tao heart again and again, setting off stormy waves in her knowledge sea, under the impact again and again, making her involuntarily blood reverberate, in this moment, her mind's distracting thoughts, fear, inferiority.. And so on, all negative emotions are washed clean. At this time, every white unconsciously, has kept up with the rhythm of Li Qiye, the whole person is affected by the melody of every word of Li Qiye, mind convergence. The mind slowly returned to the ethereal, in a short period of time, Fan Bai began to enter an ethereal state. Go- "Li Qiye said slowly.". Li Qiye's words were only two words, but they were full of magic. In this moment, they gave Fan Bai infinite courage. She believed in Li Qiye unconditionally and trusted Li Qiye unconditionally. The two words gave her courage and let her take the first step towards Zhang Changyu and the three of them. At this time, Fan Bai's pitiful appearance had disappeared, and she had entered an ethereal state. When she stood in the encirclement of Zhang Changyu and the three of them, she felt like a new person. Fear of tension, bewilderment, inferiority and retreat.. Fan Bai had disappeared, and as she took the first step, when she was about to step out of the threshold, she left her former self in place. Fan Bai, standing here, will usher in her new life, but she needs to prove it with her own actions, to prove herself with her actions. As Li Qiye said,wire nail making machine, her fate should be in her own hands, not by others to give alms, by others to pity. 3shardware.com

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