مرحبا بك في أكاديمية ريكي زن للاسئلة والأجوبة .. بإمكانك التسجيل الان ! وطرح اسئلتك مباشرة

Flowers bloom and can be broken.

30 مشاهدات
سُئل أكتوبر 25، 2022 في تصنيف اخرى بواسطة Shaw522

Tall stature, strong and handsome figure, neat clothes, we are quite tangible. A girl finally couldn't help praising him: "Wow, so handsome." Freshman girls, but also can not get rid of some childishness, a few people surrounded me, leaving Jiang Tingting standing on the periphery, smiling at roommates teasing me. This brother, sit down. Which school are you from? The girl who washed the clothes brought me a stool. She started and asked me some questions one after another. Unexpectedly, they made up for what the gatekeeper did not ask. My character is still a little shy, in the face of such an inquiry, do not know which is the first answer. Jiang Tingting gathered up the hair that had just been combed and rescued me. "Well, don't make trouble.". He is my high school classmate, Yu Yicheng, from Shuimu. "Wow, why don't we see such a boy in our school?" After saying a few words, the roommates dispersed one after another, busy with their own affairs. Beichen here is not the same as our school changes, or a class of students living together, we learn the same major, it is particularly lively. She sat down beside Jiang Tingting's bed,bottle blowing machine, asked about the situation after she came to school, chatted and looked through her books. After a while, Li Lingyu and Chen Dake also arrived. Li Lingyu often comes here and is familiar with the girls here. Several girls, who had been quiet for a while, joined in again, chattering and joking about Lingyu and Dake, who had a shy face and did not care. I admire these girls very much. The law students are all eloquent. Come on, it's getting late. Let's go. Jiang Tingting said. We got up to leave together,PET blowing machine, and when we went out, I said politely, "Let's go to dinner together." Or the lively little girl who opened the door for me first. "Good." The person on the side pulled her all of a sudden, "somebody else classmate party, what do you follow blindly to mix?" "Well, what's the matter?" She wrinkled her nose in defiance. Sending us out of the door, she said to me again, "Brother, do you have any boys like you? Introduce some to our sisters." Jiang Tingting reached out and hit her, "you have a lot of things to do." She stuck out her tongue and pulled her head back. High school students get together again, naturally there are a lot of words to say, we talk about their current situation, and then talk about their contact with high school students are still so-and-so, time will pass quickly. After dinner, Lingyu pulled Dake together and asked me to send Jiang Tingting back. It can be seen that she always created opportunities for me to be with Jiang Tingting. I am very clear about her intention, PET bottle Mold ,water bottling line, but I feel that there is always something between her and Jiang Tingting. When she was alone with me, Jiang Tingting's words were much less, and most of the time she was listening to me. In the evening, the campus of Beichen is brightly lit, and people are coming and going. Sent her to the dormitory downstairs, before breaking up, Jiang Tingting said to me: "Yicheng, our student union will be re-elected next month, when I will run for the student union secretary, don't forget to cheer me on." "No problem, be sure to be a good group of your friends and relatives." Watching Jiang Tingting go upstairs happily, I have an indescribable taste in my heart. In the following time, I went to the headquarters of Lianyou Company for a walk. With the help of Sister Yongqing, I met with the top management of the company and talked about some of my ideas. General Manager Lei expressed his deep appreciation to me. It was a pity to hear that I did not study computer science in Shuimu. He went to Brother Lin Feng's house, got in touch with him, and ate a meal cooked by Mrs. Lin. Strangely, after chatting for a long time, he didn't know what department he was working in now. Even Ji Jun elder brother unit also ran a trip, know where the drug inspection department is, this is a yamen gate. Brother Ji Jun is really awesome. He is now the acting director, and he may be straightened up right away. My life is tense. He kept asking for some work from Brother Jihu, and then handed it over to a group of people organized by Xue Yuping. While earning foreign exchange for everyone, I also earn some living expenses. The days in the class are very dull, as a member of the life committee, although I want to do something for everyone, I have not made any achievements. After students from all over the country settled down in school, they wrote letters and sent emails one after another, and they were busy replying all day, which was also lively. Chen Jie and Wenwen will call from time to time, and Chen Jie's gentle words are what I want to hear most. Chengcheng, come here quickly. I have something to do with you. It makes me feel a little strange. Sister Xu Yang is very busy now. She only occasionally asks me to have a meal on weekends. How can she look for me at this time? "Chengcheng, I'm sorry to ask you to come over at night and see what's going on with my old machine." Sister Yang went straight to the point. The computer she used was eliminated from the laboratory, so she could still run. It was too slow to open a web page on the Internet, and now she couldn't turn it on directly. Open the chassis, after several attempts, according to the experience of my installer, I think there is a problem with the memory module, and I need to change the root memory module to solve the problem. But the problem is that this kind of memory is not easy to buy now, and you have to take a chance when you go to the flea market for gold. Sister Yang, just change the machine. It's too hard to use. "That's no good. I have to do it anyway. Besides, I have a paper that is more than half finished." "Then don't worry about it. Just say if you have Maomao." "No, no, I'm short of money now. If you give me half of the sponsorship, you can think about it." Sister Yang has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. When I came back from Sister Yang, I thought it was not convenient to use a notebook in our dormitory, so I wanted to install a new machine. The next day, I went straight to the computer city, which is a national distribution center for accessories. I only went there once after I came, and I felt that the scale was really big. With my recognition ability,Beverage packing machine, it only took me more than an hour to get it done and install one. Unfortunately, I have an installation shop at home, and I have to come here to send money to others. gzxilinear.com

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