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Nirvana in the last days

54 مشاهدات
سُئل أكتوبر 13، 2022 في تصنيف ريكي بواسطة McMullen

"The point of light overhead? What's going on?" On the way to Liu Jian, Qin Lao looked at the vision in the sky and asked doubtfully. He did not see the impact of the meteor on the ground that day, when he was doing experiments. Then I heard the noise outside, and I couldn't stand it, so I ran out to check. Well, there's going to be a change, and this time I'm here in an emergency to prepare for your evacuation. Ten minutes later, Zhao Yu finally saw the seriously injured Zhao Yu under the leadership of Qin Lao. It can be seen that for this emergency evacuation, Qin Lao seems to have expected a little, although the gauze wrapped in Liu Jian, impregnated with layers of rich blood, but his mind is very clear. Let's go! We must leave at once. Scanning the only three people left in the empty room, Zhao Yu took a deep breath, held Liu Jian directly, and motioned them to go downstairs. Volume 2 The Road to Nirvana 164 Tsunami (I) It's old now. Looked at Zhao Yu anxious appearance, originally had this surprised lie collapse than, completely lost his mind, only know to follow behind Zhao Yu ran down. On the other hand, Qin Lao, who has a rich life experience, still has a certain degree of calmness. Although he also followed Zhao Yu, he looked around calmly. Shang Feng! Holding Liu Jian to the parking place in one breath, Zhao Yu opened the door and signaled the two people behind him to get on the bus. At this time, not only the sky gradually bright point of light,Magnesium Sulphate price, has become slightly clear, the survivors around, but also naked looking at Zhao Yu's car, seems to want to come forward to rob. Although many people are in a state of losing their minds because of the scene in the sky, and are venting their last night while the soldiers are not restrained, there are still many survivors who have an extreme desire for survival. Seeing this car with relative moving power, there is a hint of greed. Boom Zhao Yu is quite clear about the implied meaning of those people's sight. Now owning a gasoline car has a lot of attraction for ordinary survivors. Suddenly the car started, Zhao Yu drove the car in the middle of the road, the whole galloping car,Magnesium Oxide MgO, all exude a ferocious momentum, so that those stupid vulgar people, are temporarily suppressed their own ideas. Zhao Yu, where are we going? For Fang Yue, all the scenes around her made her afraid and frightened. Until now, she still remember the original time, the end of the world, when she was lonely and helpless, very not easy to meet Liu Jian, even in order to be able to be a little stronger, but also to Zhao Yu, who looked very strong at that time, also introduced a very good girl, and finally felt a little bit of safety, no longer the kind of precarious days, Liu Jian was seriously injured. During that time, she was even desperate. If Zhao Yu hadn't arrived in time, magnesium sulfate monohydrate ,caustic calcined magnesite, she really didn't know what would happen if Liu Jian's injury worsened and she was powerless. Very not easy to meet Zhao Yu, even was taken to the place where the soldiers live, let Fang Yue once again feel deeply safe, but also secretly glad that the original decision, and did not do wrong, otherwise, will not have the present treatment. But this feeling has not been long, but it seems to have become such a situation. For the night when the meteorite came, she was the first person to come to the scene, and she deeply understood the horror of those monsters in the initial killing, and the various encounters she was about to face. Those gradually bright points of light, relative to Fang Yue. But it was like a demon's curse, which made her feel deeply frightened. Now see Zhao Yu led to the unknown front to escape, but it is even more uneasy. Hearing Fang Yue's question, Zhao Yu was ready to blurt out the place of the sun, but he found that he was not familiar with her at all. The last time he met her and contacted her, it was also because of Liu Jian. He didn't understand many aspects of her at all. Secretly left a mind, Zhao Yu took a look at this side of Qin Lao, but did not directly say the destination, just a simple sentence "not far." On the way away from the city, Zhao Yu kept looking at the survivors, grabbing something from all kinds of things, or fighting with some survivors, but there was no feeling at all about the external situation. Because Liu Jian's special hospital is close to the seaside area where the soldiers are located, compared with the whole base, it is already in a considerable depth. Because, after Zhao Yu came all the way in, he found a lot of confusion, but now he is going back another way, ready to go around to a place where there are relatively few people, and then turn to the place where the subsidiary base is located. And because the subsidiary base is close to the river and the sea, he is approaching his destination little by little along the seaside road. Although those encountered in the hospital just now were not particularly dangerous to him, Zhao Yu maintained considerable vigilance when he thought that he was more likely to encounter many survivors with brain fever on the way ahead. He not only chose the route to hide as much as possible, but also set up the heavy kinetic energy sniper rifle to ensure considerable deterrence for those survivors who tried to do something. What's that? Because of the panic in her heart, Fang Yue, who was looking around with some uneasiness, seemed to see something terrible, and her face was pale. My God! Hearing Fang Yue's exclamation, Qin Lao, who could not help turning his head to check, also seemed to see something incredible, and the voice coming from his throat was extremely depressed. Boom Originally, hearing Fang Yue's voice, Zhao Yu, who was not very concerned about it, began to understand the seriousness of the matter after hearing Qin Lao's voice again. But before he could turn his head, he heard a rumbling sound coming from the sea. Tsunami! Looking at almost rushed to the sky, Zhao Yu's whole heart contracted violently, almost about to jump out of the chest. For a moment, his brain was completely pale, there was no reaction at all, until Fang Yue could not bear the pressure in front of him, lost his voice and screamed, he quickly reacted. More than 10 meters of tsunami,Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer, the overwhelming attack, feeling the great danger of Zhao Yu is to hit the steering wheel to turn around, did not drive along the highway. Heading directly inland away from the coastline. stargrace-magnesite.com

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